I Found This Armored Truck Like This, I Promise

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noman_26 |
on Monday, 02-Oct-2023 22:36:55 UTC

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Cambion noman_26 | 7 months ago

Cambion peeks over the edge of the rooftop he is on as he patiently waits for the security guard to exit the building and return to the armored truck with his bag full of cash.

While Cambion is waiting on the rooftop nearby, Gremlin is down below, flapping sound slightly above the truck. The imp swoops down towards the back of the truck, flapping his wings and landing with a thud soft enough that the driver still in the truck doesn’t hear. Gremlin, under direction from Cambion, hacks up a wad of ember vomit and spits it onto the lock of the back doors of the truck, causing the lock to burn and melt away.

The security guard inside opens the door to the building and exits with a bag full of cash. Cambion quietly stands up and flexes his muscles to prepare himself. He has spent the last 20 minutes having Gremlin burn things and absorbing the smoke from it, so his strength should be well beyond what it needs to be in order to be fine from a one story fall.

Cambion steps from the rooftop as the guard passes underneath, dropping from above and sticking his legs in front of him, catching the guards neck and shoulders under one arm, the maneuver resembling a pro wrestler grabbing an opponent after jumping from the top rope. The guard is thrown roughly to the ground, sprawling out and being knocked unconscious right away.

Hearing a commotion outside, the driver of the truck gets out to investigate, drawing her pistol from its holster and aiming it in front of her. As she rounds the back of the truck, Cambion sends a command out to Gremlin, and the creature leaps from the now fully melted door lock and flies towards the face of the driver. She shrieks in surprise and whips around to face the tiny demon, but he is too quick and flaps around her head in circles. While she is distracted, Cambion has righted himself and has grabbed the duffel bag of cash from the other unconscious guard. In a single fluid motion, Cambion spins in a circle with the bag in hand before releasing it, launching the bag directly into the driver and slamming her into the back of the truck, rendering her unconscious as well.

Satisfied with how well that worked out, Cambion walks over to the truck and swings the back doors open, smiling at the cash held within. Gremlin flaps around before landing on the edge of the roof of the truck.

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Wound Khanakin 7 months ago

Wound quietly patrolled the rooftops of the city, he couldn't help but admire the potential this new city held for his mercenary career. The presence of numerous capes meant there were plenty of opportunities to make a name for himself and get cash in his pocket, the influx of villains would be his new prey. Lost in his thoughts, he scanned the cityscape below, enjoying the calm before any potential action.

However, his moment of reflection was abruptly interrupted when he spotted Cambion and the demon perched on the truck. It was a curious sight indeed, the demon added to that curiosity. Was it a minion or a changer partnering up with a second cape. Either way, Wound needed to test the waters in this city somehow. Getting into a skirmish with potentially two high leveled villains was appealing.

Crouching at the edge of the rooftop, he swiftly loaded three arrows onto his bow, pulling it back and infusing them with his blood. With practiced ease, he supercharged three of the arrows with an additional two tons of weight. He aimed carefully and released the arrows, watching them streak through the air toward the armored truck.

The invincible arrows punched through the metal door of the truck with a loud clang, swinging the doors shut and preventing Cambion from gaining entry. Wound couldn't help but smirk at the successful shot but he didn't waste time, nocking in his next arrow and empowering it in the same motion.

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Cambion noman_26 | 7 months ago

The truck door slams shut as multiple projectiles slam through it, wizzing in front of Cambion and sending him stumbling back a few steps in surprise, exclaiming colorfully,


Gremlin also lets out a yowl of surprise as he jumps up from the roof of the truck, flapping backwards and towards the front of the truck.

Cambion scrambles quickly around the corner of the truck, attempting to hide from view of whoever had just shot at him. He reaches behind him to pull his metal staff from its strap on his backpack.

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Wound Khanakin 7 months ago

Wound hadn't anticipated the arrows punching all the way through the armored truck's doors. He cursed under his breath, realizing his initial attempt had created more chaos than he'd intended.

Hearing the colorful exclamation from the thief, Wound couldn't help but offer a wry apology, "My bad on that one man, forgot it had a little power behind it. You and your friends wouldn't happen to be brutes by any chance?"

Wound's attention shifted to the Gremlin-like creature flapping around. Hitting something so small would be a challenge, he decided to focus on the larger target.

Wound smeared his blood on the tip of another arrow, coating it until it was dripping wet. He took careful aim at the truck, his eyes never leaving the creature's movements. He released the arrow, which sailed freely toward the truck, smearing the blood across its surface.

The blood smear would start its gradual spread, bonding with the truck on a molecular level. The entirety of the vehicle was becoming a red tint. Timing that Wound would swap focus on the Gremlin in his line of sight.

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Cambion noman_26 | 7 months ago

From the other side of the truck Cambion hears something hit against it again, and pulls back a step, facing the truck and holding his staff in front of him. He curses to himself. Now that he’s in the middle of a firefight being shot at, he wishes he had taken the gun of one of the guards he knocked out before.

Gremlin flaps in a slight zig zag line before dipping over the front of the truck, heading down towards the ground.

“Oh no I’m just a regular ol’ person, don’t shoot me!” Cambion yells back to his attacker in a high pitched fake voice. He glances around the small side street they are on and looks for anything that might be useful.

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Wound Khanakin 7 months ago

Wound from his vantage point on the rooftop, hesitated for a moment as Cambion called out.

Lowering his bow slightly, Wound considered his next move. He had no intention of causing harm to someone who might not pose a serious threat. Instead, he called out in a measured tone, "Come out from behind the truck, and let's talk this out. I'm not here to hurt you."

However, if Cambion remained hidden, refusing to reveal himself, Wound was ready to take a different approach. He reached into a pouch on his belt and retrieved a small marble. With a flick of his wrist, he sent the marble sailing toward the truck, causing it to shake and tilt slightly due to its lightweight. It was a subtle display that was meant to urge the thief to reconsider his options or to come out of hiding.

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Cambion noman_26 | 7 months ago

Cambion hears a loud thud and the truck rocks as if it was just hit with a cannon ball. He can’t take the risk of stepping out and having whoever this is shoot him.

Gremlin swoops down low in front of the truck before turning hard to the side and upward, soaring back up in the air towards the rooftop opposite of where the shots seemed to be coming from. Cambion sends Gremlin a mental command to zig zag around and be difficult to hit, as well as to try and find where the shots are coming from.

Cambion takes another two steps back from the truck, crouching down and continuing to look around. He spots a cylindrical trash can with the lid on the ground nearby, only a few feet from him. Cambion reaches towards the lid.

“Yeah, come out and let you put a bunch of holes in me, not likely pal!” Cambion shouts back in his normal voice.

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Wound Khanakin 7 months ago (edited 7 months ago)

Wound couldn't help but sound almost offended by Cambion's response. He retorted, "I assure you, the plan isn't to put any holes in you. But the second, your accomplice tries to off me, I'll tip that truck over on its side."

Seeing the Gremlin creature now in the air, Wound had to think fast. He reached for four marbles, his fingers deftly charging them with weight and invincibility, making each one relative to 500 pounds. With a quick, practiced motion, he tossed the marbles in a cluster at the airborne creature, hoping to score a hit. The marbles sailed across, making an attempt to disrupt the creature's flight pattern and bring it down to the ground

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Cambion noman_26 | 7 months ago

Gremlin flaps around in an erratic path as the marbles fly at him. The little airborne demon manages to avoid the projectiles, but the barrage causes him to get turned around and change his flight direction. He begins diving down towards the street in a deep arch. However, with the marbles being thrown at him Gremlin is able to determine where the attacker is positioned on the rooftop across the street. Through Gremlin Cambion is able to know roughly where the attacker is positioned now as well.

Cambion grabs the trash can lid in his free hand and hurls it like a frisbee hard in the direction the back of the truck is facing before turning and facing the other direction. Cambion uses all of his booster strength to launch himself forward as fast as he can as soon as he hears the CLANG of the trash can lid hitting the opposite wall.

Cambion breaks into a sprint towards the front entrance of the gas station they are outside of. A pair of men exit the building, mid conversation as Cambion barrels towards them. Cambion rushes towards them.

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Wound Khanakin 7 months ago

Wound's attention was momentarily drawn towards the direction where the trash can lid had been thrown, creating a loud clang against the opposite wall. The distraction made him briefly lose sight of Cambion, but he quickly refocused his gaze as he saw the thief making a break for it.

Cursing under his breath, Wound wasted no time. He swiftly descended from the rooftop, climbing down carefully.As he reached the ground, he sprinted around the gas station, to cut off Cambion at the back entrance.

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Cambion noman_26 | 7 months ago

Gremlin steadies himself and swoops around for a moment in the air about 3 feet off the ground, flapping in tight circles.

As Cambion rushes at the men in a blur, the two jump a few feet to either side, shouting expletives as they did so. Cambion dives between the men and rolls on the ground, staff in hand in front of the front entrance to the gas station. He turns and faces the direction he ran from, trying to see his attacker and hoping that the civilians would keep him from shooting. He doesn’t see anybody pursuing him.

Gremlin scans the area as he flies and catches a glimpse of a figure as he reaches the bottom of the building and then sprints towards the back door of the gas station. A mental signal is sent from Gremlin to Cambion alerting him of the attacker’s general area.

Cambion has two options. He could just run. There’s a building between him and his attacker. But if he runs, it’s possible that his attacker might catch up with him, or might get in one of those crazy powerful shots of whatever he’s got that punches holes in armored trucks. Or, Cambion could try to face the guy head on, hope that he can get in close and have some possible kind of advantage in a fight. Its a risky situation either way. But Cambion is a little pissed about all the money he just lost because of this person, so he decides to opt for the fight. He turns and faces the entrance of the gas station

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Wound Khanakin 6 months ago (edited 6 months ago)

Wound bursts through the back entrance of the store, his movements swift and controlled. His compound bow is held in a unyielding grip, the tension of the string evident. He quickly scans the room, his sharp eyes honing in on Cambion at the front entrance.

Without hesitation, Wound releases two unenhanced blunted arrows, each one designed to inflict pain rather than lethal harm. They speed towards Cambion, aiming for his back leg and back. As the arrows leave his bow, Wound's movements are seamless, already preparing for his next action.

With practiced skill, he swiftly nocks two more blunted arrows, ready to fire again if necessary. In one fluid motion, he ducks behind a nearby shelf, using it as cover. Wound is prepared to respond swiftly to any further developments

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Cambion noman_26 | 6 months ago

Cambion sees Wound as he bursts through the back of the store and raises his bow. However, Cambion doesn’t have enough time to dodge out of the way of the arrows. Two arrows sail through the air for a brief moment before connecting with Cambion, one striking his right thigh and the other hitting him in the ribs. Thankfully because of strength currently being where it is at, the blunted arrows do little more than the punches of a small child when they strike.

Cambion is distracted for a moment, but regains his focus in time to see the tail end of Wound as he ducks behind a shelf for cover. Cambion looks to each side for something useful, and directly beside him is a freezer that is holding an assortment of ice creams. Cambion grabs the freezer with one hand and slings it around to where it is in front of him.

“Thanks for messing up a perfectly good armored truck robbery!” Cambion says as he lifts his foot up and puts it on the edge of the freezer before kicking it forward, sending it tumbling in the direction of the shelf Wound is hiding behind.

Outside Gremlin flies towards the front of the gas station, hitting the glass of the front door with a solid BONK. Gremlin flaps around against the window a few more times before spitting a wad of embers at the door, which sticks to the glass for a few seconds before causing the entire pane to shatter, allowing Gremlin to enter the building.

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Wound Khanakin 6 months ago

Wound's quick retort halted by the sudden impact, felt the shelf slam into his back, sending him sprawling to the ground. He swiftly recovered, rolling with agile grace befitting a trained athlete to his feet. As he regained his stance, he locked eyes with Cambion, with practiced ease, Wound enhances his blunted arrow with 500-pound then lets it loose at the villain's shoulder. The earlier blunted arrows had been ineffective, leading Wound to believe this adversary possessed a brute rating.

A flicker of concern crossed Wound's face as he reached for another arrow, only to realize his supply was dwindling. Time was running short, and he couldn't afford to waste a single shot. In a burst of speed, he sprinted across the store, seeking cover behind the nearest set of shelves, plotting his next move with precision.

What was in this gas station that could be used as a legit weapon? The canned food? Damn it.

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Cambion noman_26 | 6 months ago

Cambion, having shrugged off the last two arrows, doesn’t even make an attempt to dodge the one just fired at him. This proves to be a mistake, as the arrow now strikes him with an astronomically higher amount of force, catching Cambion in the shoulder and lifting his feet from the ground. The arrow still bounces off of Cambion, but the shot sends him into a spinning backflip and a half, leaving the villain landing hard on his back on the floor. Groaning, he sense Gremlin flying in overhead and sends a mental signal, light it up.

Gremlin swoops into the gas station and begins swooping around back and forth frantically the way that a bat or bird trapped in a room might. As he zig zags around Gremlin begins to spit up multiple marble sized wads of burning embers. Five embers hit, one on a shelf of candy, two on the floor in the space between Cambion and Wound, one on the ceiling, and one on the slushee machine. At each of the five points the embers begin smoldering and melting the points where they landed, the embers and burning effect spreading slowly, causing candy wrappers to ignite and small pillars of smoke to rise from each tiny burning area, all beginning to drift towards Cambion.

Cambion rolls himself over onto his chest, struggling somewhat to catch his breath as he begins to rise to his feet again.

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Wound Khanakin 6 months ago

Wound saw the fire needed his immediate attention so he knew he had to act quickly to prevent the situation from escalating. Without capitalizing on Cambion's vulnerability, he reached for his tactical hunting knife and made long, deliberate cuts on both his forearms. Blood sprayed freely from his arms, more than any average garden hose could produce, and he directed the crimson flow onto the flames.

The liquid blood sputtered and hissed as it made contact with the burning embers, effectively smothering the flames with a cooling liquid. The fire's progression would likely be slowing but Wound would continue to spread his blood across the room.

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Cambion noman_26 | 6 months ago (edited 6 months ago)

Cambion stands and steadies himself shaking himself off and reorienting his focus back to Wound. As the smoke that was created from the small fires drifts towards him and touches him, Cambion soaks it up like a sponge. Already the soreness in his shoulder was subsiding.

Cambion sends a mental command to Gremlin to go for the lights overhead, and the creature obliges. Gremlin flies up and slams into one of the rectangular light fixture coverings between Cambion and Wound. The covering comes undone on one side when this happens and swings open, revealing two long fluorescent bulbs. Gremlin flies up and grabs hold of one of the bulbs. He gives the bulb a yank and it comes loose from the fixture, Gremlin letting go as it falls shattering, and flapping to grab the second and do the same as the first.

Meanwhile, Cambion reaches to grab a sunglasses display stand that is near him, hoping to throw this at Wound while he’s still distracted with spraying blood everywhere.

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Wound Khanakin 6 months ago

As the flames cooled and the immediate threat was averted, Wound was left in complete darkness. However, he had marked the area in his blood.

Suddenly, an unexpected object hit him square in the chest, earning a sharp whine of pain. The impact sent him staggering backward, and hitting the wall. The armor took the brunt of the hit, but his ribs har cracked under the pressure.

Wound's eyes narrowed fiercely as he swiftly took action, infecting the nearby sunglasses rack with 250 pounds of additional weight. In one fluid motion, he launched the rack back in the direction from which it had come, propelling it at twice the speed since it was virtually weightless.

Wound strapped his bow and arrow, then withdrew his mace and shield, darting forward into the darkness. He whipped his mace infront of him twice to send waves of blood splattering on the area to mark his surroundings

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Cambion noman_26 | 6 months ago

As soon as he threw the sunglasses display, Cambion turned and rolled to his side. He crouched in the darkness, looking around. Then, he heard something whiz through the air right back at where he had just been standing. The object soared past and struck the window of the gas station, shattering it and sailing right through and tumbling into the parking lot, sending sunglasses flying everywhere.

Cambion sends Gremlin a mental command to fly out through the broken window, and to spit embers down on his way there. As Gremlin begins to flap towards the window and spit up embers, Cambion takes a few steps and takes a diving jump towards the broken window, aiming to leap out into the parking lot outside. As he is jumping he hears Wound running behind him, and what sounds like a wet slapping sound like liquid being spilled.

Gremlin barfs up three grape sized wads of embers as he flies towards the window, staying about 7 feet off the ground.

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Wound Khanakin 6 months ago

Wound, displaying quick reflexes and agility, stopped abruptly and flipped backward to avoid being caught in the ember spit. He withdrew his bow, empowered an arrow with his blood, and took aim. Without hesitation, he fired the arrow freely.

The arrow soared past Cambion, missing him narrowly, and struck the armored truck's front wheels. With a precise hit, the tire deflated with a hiss of escaping air. It was a strategic move to hinder the thief's escape.

Wound would slowly back away towards the back exit before running out entirely.

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Cambion noman_26 | 6 months ago

Cambion hears something whiz past him as he dives through the broken window and lands on the pavement outside with an ungraceful roll. He quickly stands and looks toward the truck full of cash he had been hoping to make off with. An arrow is sticking all the way through one of the tires which is now flat, and from the way the arrow is embedded in the wheel it doesn’t look like it would even be able to turn.

Shit, Cambion thinks to himself. He’s just going to have to leave it and try to make an escape on foot.

Gremlin comes flying out through the window, a small glob of embers dripping from his mouth and landing on the ground just outside the window as he does so.

“Fly up and keep an eye out” Cambion tells his impish minion. Gremlin makes a sound like a parrot squawking, if the parrot was a chain smoker, and flies up roughly 30 feet in the air.

Cambion turns and begins to run towards the nearest building across the parking lot. With each stride the young villain moves faster and covers more and more ground. There is a dumpster up against the wall, and with his boosted strength Cambion should be able to run and jump, launching himself off the dumpster with enough force to make it onto the roof.