Memphis chuckles and begins leading through the base, showing where the Wards' common space is, then the Protectorate's living area, and finally the ever-important Tinker Nest. "I know you know the rules, but I have to cover them for every new team member, it's SOP.
"Don't touch anything that isn't yours without explicit permission from the owner. Keep your stuff in your space as much as possible. If you have stuff outside your space at the end of your work time, move it to somewhere inside your area. If your experiments might be hazardous -- explosives, acids, pyrotechnics, the like -- then make sure you're using the back room to build and test. Don't leave things in the back room. If you have something volatile that you don't trust to bring out here yet, either disable it if possible or dispose of it properly. We aren't losing valuable tech and hours of research and development because someone thought 'eh, good enough' and put their tinker-tech nitroglycerine on the shelf. Equipment testing is done off-site for insurance purposes. If you have something where the testing is done in stages, you'll have to book out time for each stage. It sucks, but there it is. Collaboration with other Tinkers if fine, but let us know what's going on. Remember the three D's: Document, Document, Document. We want blueprints as much as possible, notes on methods and potential adverse effects, all that jazz.
"Now for the rules specific to Bio-Tinkers. If you need to put someone under the knife, make doubly certain that you've informed myself and the Director ahead of time so we can account for recovery times when making rosters. Don't put something completely experimental inside of somebody other than yourself. We'd prefer you didn't put purely experimental tech inside yourself, either, but we understand that some things just don't work until they're plugged in. Obviously make sure that anyone you're performing surgery on consents to the operation, and, can't stress this enough, that you've informed the people in charge so they know what's happening."
She takes a deep breath. "And I think that's everything. Any questions?"